Saturday, May 29, 2010

Ice Cream and Scurvy! :D

               Well, not much to talk about this week. Today I started my job scooping ice cream and it's...... well..... fantastic. In a weird way. Like, it's so crazy and the line never stops and there's tourists and pastries and stuff and I'm getting "scooper's hand" and stuff....... but it's fun. I think I'm getting a high from it. Which is fantastic compared to my last ice cream job. Everyone's part of the same team there, like a sporting event, and it's like...... awesome. Oh, and yesterday there was a Vokle show with 1KidsEntertainment, ShadyVox, and XTheDarkOneX. And LordMoonstone was there. For, like,  7 minutes, adding it all up. xD Neoridgeback was there, too, for like half an hour. Showed off some sick drawings and shit. Was tight. 

              I'm exausted. And have tons of school finals and stuff to do and prepare for. Gotta make a big anthology for English, handwriting the poems in there and stuff. Lots of writing. It's gonna be fun, but I just wish I had more time to do it. Health, I have two final projects in, before I even take the final xD Need to make an advertisement. Think I'm gonna do it about my job. Also, gotta make a children's book about SCUUURVY. You can bet that Luffy's gonna be in there. Fo' sho'.

             BBBTAS episode 7 I tooootally wanna work on. But I think I wanna get a shit load of lines out of the way first so that I don't become completely immersed in doing my own thing. It ain't gonna be done for Anime Next, at this point. Sorry, dudes. DX Oh, and a really, really African American couple came in today and ordered the flavors "Oreo" and "Jamaican me Nutty." I tried very hard not to laugh. I am an awful person. xD

              Hmmmmmm........ I think that's about it. See you next week, guys. Stay wacky.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Currently Suffering From SWS (Stokes Withdrawl Syndrome)

                   Alriiiiiight, so what's there to talk about. Oh, so last night was the release party of "Trunks is History." Was gonna be released at 9 p.m. Then 10:30. Finally came out around 2 a.m, but I had gone to bed haha Awesome party, though. Answered questions and stuff with MasterWGS, LordMoonstone, DarkBomberkid, Xerostyle, and TehExorcist. Fun fun. My three lines greatly, GREATLY contributed to it, I'm sure. I mean, I was put in the credits TWICE so I must've been awesometacular. :P
                  Stokes visited for 4 days and took me to prom. Best weekend of my life, no joke. I've never been this happy before. It's even given me encouragement to get back into scripting BBBTAS episode 7. It's nice when your boyfriend is a fan of your work xD Never gotten that before. *Sigh* I miss him. I know have a silver ring on a chain, (which I wear religiously,) that has a spinny band on it. He knows what to give a hyper-active, easily distracted chick for a present. Fo' sho'. He even opened the Vitamin Water that fucked up my hand. You know, the one from the previous post? I feasted on it's contents in vengeance. 
                   *Sigh* I miss him. A LOOOOOOOT. T////////T
                   I'll be visiting him for 2 weeks in August, then we're thinking he'll come down for New Years then we'll go to MAGfest together. Which sounds amazing. He wants to cosplay/crossplay me xD I'm very flattered and very scared. Speaking of conventions, AnimeNext is JUST around the corner, (little less than a month away,) so I'm not entirely sure I wanna rush episode 7 just to get it out for the panel. I WILL, however, work on it and if the ideas are flowing, I'll try to be productive. Hmm.... maybe a new NIONC, who knows? That's pretty quick to edit; it's just manga panels haha ............. I miss him.
                   What's THAT?! You wanna hear about him?!? WHY OF COURSE I'LL DISCUSS PERSONAL THINGS SUCH AS RELATIONSHIPS WITH YOU! I've never been this happy with a guy. ^//////^ No guy's ever loved me as much as I love him, so this is a very nice treat that. And I can totally be myself around him! Like we can be discussing serious issues and then all of a sudden I scream, "BEAR NECTAR! COME HERE, CHICKEN LITTLE! HERE COMES THE HOOOOONEEEEEEEEY!" and he'll just something even more absurd xDD It's amazing. You know what else is amazing? NOT DISCUSSING RELATIONSHIPS ON THE INTERNET WITH PEOPLE WHO ARE FANS OF YOUR VOICE ACTING AND DO NOT CARE ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS. Let's talk about abridging. xD
                   In any case, not sure if there'll be an abridging panel with the little abridgers in it, as was the idea at first, as both LK AND the SMA crew are doing a panel. I just learned of the SMA one a few minutes ago, actually, and I'm thinking the panel Borinyukami and I will soon disintegrate. Don't worry if you're trying to catch me, though. I'll be running around in Luffy cosplay, as I always am.
                    Oooh, oooh, Stokes birthday is October 25th and mine is the 28th so my mom may fly him in as a present, which means we may go Trick-Or-Treating together! Gimmie a suggestion on what we should go as. I'm thinking maybe I'll be Batman and he'll be Robin. The whole night, I'll just go around yelling "I WANT YOU OFF THE FUCKING SET" in a gruff voice and he can just respond, "Gee wilackers, Batman!" or some shit like dat. I dunno, gimmie partner costume suggestions xD I DO enjoy the "socket and plug" costume, but I'm soooooooo certain my mother would approve. Certainly certain.
                   Ah. I just got back from "seeing Iron Man 2," and by "seeing Iron Man 2," I mean I walked in the 1st room for IM2 instead of the 2nd one. Because I didn't fucking SEE a second one. *Sigh* So now I've seen the ending and I need to buy another ticket just so I can understand what the hell I saw. I was running late so I just thought that it had started already! And rghhhhh. I don't like this. CURSE YOU, ROBERT DOWNEY JR. MAN! CURSE YOUUUUUUU! *Sigh* Oh well. I should have been more suspicious that I was only 5 or 10 minutes late and a whole hell of a lot couldn't have happened in that amount of time, and yet I had absolutely NO idea what was happening! xD
                    Hmmmm...... don't think there's anything else to talk about. Gonna try to get some lines done for peepz I owe them to this upcoming week. Training for a 5K in a few weeks. Woo. Gonna check up on a job scooping ice cream I'm likely to get this summer. Delicious. Look forward to stuff, guys! I really wanna put out episode 7 of BBBTAS! ^__^b

                   *Sigh* Is it Martin time yet? DX

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

................... Seriously?



          Lots of exciting things happening. Soooooooo my bf is taking me to prom this Saturday. Drives in late Friday night and that'll kick some major ass. Gonna see Iron Man 2 before he leaves Tuesday morning. Speaking of "kick," "ass," and "movies," who saw Kick Ass? Hit-Girl is my hero. <3

          Last night was interesting. So, I was thirsty and had a killer headache so with the lights off, I reached across sleepily, opened the bottle of Advil, and popped one in my mouth. Needing to drink something to get the M&M sized pill down, I reached for the unopened bottle of Vitamin Water next to me and attempted to open it. I tried for a bit with no avail. However, I'm extremely determined when it comes to these things, (plus the pill was beginning to melt in my mouth,) so I tried and tried and tried, but the bastard wouldn't budge! Seriously! 

           At that time, I started to feel my hand burning and it hurt terribly to even hold the bottle, so I flipped on the light to see that my hand was covered in blisters. A giant blister is on my palm, a little chunk is taken out of my middle finger from a blister that broke open, (very fun to put a band aid on that hehe,) and three smaller blisters in random places on it. Fun, fun. I couldn't even clench my hand without wanting to kill myself this morning, but I've iced it and it's better.

           It should be healed by the time Martin gets here, so that's all I care about. Hurts like hell though. I'm just now able to type things and hold a pencil. Moral of the story: don't open Vitamin Water in the dark. Or, better yet, open it in the dark, injure yourself, then sue them for everything they've got. Mom won't let me, but hey! Go for it! ^_- *Note: Nowacking does not condone or encourage the act of suing someone because you're a dumb ass.*

         AnimeNext is just around the corner. You all pack your bags? It's gonna be tight. If everything works out, there'll be two abridging panels. (LK's and mine.) It WAS Borinyukami's, but he dropped out so apparently I'm in charge now DX Woot. Imma try to have BBBTAS episode 7 premiere at the smaller one. *Crosses fingers* Got tons of awesome ideas for it. I know exactly what I wanna do with the episode. Now I just gotta work it into words with the letters and sentences and such. Till next time, dudes.


Monday, May 10, 2010

Blog, testing 1, 2, 3.........

Alrighty, let's see. So, the Nowacking Cave is kinda bleh in design so I figured I'd move to someplace with more........ style. Couple of my other abridging buddies recommended this place and, I gotta say, it looks shiny ^_^ Though I AM having some issues maneuvering around and trying to get what I want from it. *Sigh* Sometimes I wonder how I can even turn on a computer. At any rate, it's late so I should just let this be for now. Wish me luck!