Thursday, June 17, 2010

Anime Next 2010

                      Wow. Where'd the time go? Anime Next is here already? Well, that's pretty dang neat. PLUS I become a senior on Monday after my last finals. *Phwew* I'm kinda nervous. Well, nothing interesting about that. Let's talk about the con. I'll be on Borinyukami's abridging panel again this year, (maybe also on LK's but I won't say for certain,) so that'll be cool. 

                      OH! OH! This past weekend at my grandparents' 60th wedding anniversary party, while my mom was telling my cousin about my boyfriend for the first time, we discovered that, you're not gonna believe it, wait, wait.......................... my cousin......... is my boyfriend's brother's neighbor. No way. No way. I'm serious. Martin's brother is my cousin's neighbor. They live right across the street from each other! RIGHT. ACROSS. THE. FRICKIN'. STREET. STREEEEEEEEEEEEET. And, AND, not only that, but while my cousin, Katie, was with us at that moment, Martin's brother was with him at his house! IT'S SO UNBELIEVABLE ZOMOZGMZGOMZGOGMZ

                        Getting back on traaaaackity track, I'll be sharing a room with Neoridgeback, 1KidsEntertainment, Fuzzy, and SonicChaosBlaze so that'll be cool. We gotz a suite so I can have a SEPARATE ROOOOOOOM, (SORRY BOYZ LOLOLOL,) and I'm charging them rent so it'll be a nice weekend. 1Kids gets the sofa bed though cause he's dishing out $50 a night, (thank you, dude.) So I'll keep you updated on shit on Twitter. 1Kids is gonna record stuff which we'll prob make into a video, so be happy for that.

                          My uncle will be the chaperone. Fun fun. Anyways, I leave in the morning so I'll keep you posted. Later, dudez.