Thursday, June 10, 2010

No School = Get Episode 7 Faster

               Gonna be gone this Friday through Sunday to attend my grandparents' 60th wedding anniversary party. Wow. Sixty years. That's pretty damn bad ass. I have bad ass grandparents. We're gonna party hardy. We may even stay up till, dare I say........ 11 p.m? *Gasp* So unruly. Gonna be awesomez.

                So I realize now that I have a week of finals, then 2 more days of school............ and then I'm a senior. A senior in high school. I am intimidated and relieved and all kinds of weirded out by this. I'm going to college in, like, another year or so! What the hell happened to mah youth?!? Just a minute ago I was a freshman! DX *Sigh* Well, when school's out, I'll have time to voice stuff and FINALLY actually work on episode 7 of BBBTAS. Oh, well I'm gonna have no internet at grandma and grandpa's so I may work on the script whilest I'm stranded w/o my friends who live in my magic box. T______T

                Stokes got me a torrent for Bobobo episodes so I'll hopefully have some stuff to work with whilest I script that isn't in parts. Normally I gotta take it from Youtube, (Bobobo Episode 7 Part 1, Bobobo Episode 7 Part 2, etc.) so this'll be nice. Speaking of Stokes, he will be accompanying me to ConnectiCon this July so those fans of mine in the New England area better stop by and say "ZOMG HI NOWACKING I ARE UR BIGGEST FAN!!1!!" I know that's how you talk. You silly people you.

                  He wants to cosplay me. I'm scared and flattered.

                 The ulcer I've had all week is finally almost gone so I'm very happy that I can voice act. And eat without pain. That is always a good thing. Anyways, I'll keep you updated with updates. Talk to you next week.